This was my 100th UK based Marathon and Ultra (64 marathons, 36 Ultras)
14th solo overall (out of 43) and 11th solo male (out of 31). Only 3 made 100 miles.

I entered this event mainly as Sean and Brenda were going and they would be looking after me in terms of camping and driving. Unfortunately that didn't work out due to illness in the family so I attended alone. I decided not to camp and my daughter found me an unbelievable hotel fairly close to the venue. So I was going to base myself out of my car and use the facilities the organisers were setting up for solo runners. I was also nervous enough about driving after, as it was a 2.5 hr drive.

To start off with this was a smaller event. With 700 runners total it

was less than 25% the size of Endure so expectations were not that high. Camping was free and most everyone was camping. Onsite there were plenty of portaloos and a shuttle to offsite showering facilities. There was also a solo camping area that bordered the finish and most solo's were setup here. Unfortunately, as I didn't have a tent I was not allowed in this area. In retrospect I should have parked at the top of the field at the 4 mile mark, along the route, and would have had access to my car there a few feet from the course. As it was, it was quite a walk off the course when I needed it (and I did).
Also onsite was a burger van with most people looking after themselves with BBQ's etc. Apparently this was less food facilities than last year, but it was a different start finish location. I arrived at around 9:30 am and quickly registered (nice T-Shirts). The timing chip was ankle based and fine. Timing in general was great and I heard no complaints all day, and the main marquee had team positions permanently on display and individual look up if you wanted. It was very good. Also onsite was a physio tent you could book massages at and very visible medical (that was all good). Apparently security was also upped and I heard of no incidents.

At 12 noon we were off. Being a smaller event it quickly thinned out. The course itself was a figure of 8, 5.7 mile loop that returned to the main campsite at 4 miles. It was relatively straight forward with the first 2 miles a gentle climb on tarmac and decent trails before sweeping into a wood section. There were few trip hazards but I heard of no-one getting into difficulty. Mile 3 was mostly over an open heathland (that I managed to get lost on in the middle of the night). Mile 4 was interesting and seemed short as we skirted a wood and a lake before returning to the campsite. Mile 5 seemed long as we trecked through another park on good trails before the only significant climb on the course (Maybe 600m) that rose to reveal fantastic views over London and what a sunset. The last .7 mile was a downhill celebration back to the finish area. There was no doubt it was a much easier course than Endure.

Back to the race: I also slowed badly at this point and was walking way too much and losing time. I think I decided around 45 miles that 100 miles was not going to happen. I therefore reset my sights on 75 miles or the very least 100K. After 50 miles I went off liquids as well which I new was not good and there were several occasions that I felt tottery and an increased number of people were asking me if I was OK. I therefore decided to stop running and walk for a while to see if I could shake it off. When this happens in these events its good night Irene and so it was. I came through lap 10 and was hurting bad and had long decided that lap 11 and 100K (63 miles) was all that I was going to do. I met Anna at this stage who was in great form and thought she was in 2nd place. I encouraged her to go and and off she went.
One consideration I had was the 2.5hr drive home and given I couldn't run I knew I had to stop. My Garmin had long given up and I actually have no idea of how long I took (results not published yet) but I know it was just dawn and there was still a significant amount of time on the clock.
As I came round to 11 laps and 63 miles I finished. I went into the main marquee and sat for while. I took off my chip and handed it in. Unfortunately the medals hadn't been delivered onsite so I had to go home empty handed. It is promised in the post so lets see. That was very disappointing. (Edit: It arrived within a week)
I left site immediately and given it was very early there was virtually no traffic. I managed to stay awake OK and was home showered and in bed by 7am.
Stats for today (Only first 58 miles on Garmin)
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